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Kitchel a champion of the people

Wednesday October 11, 2006

To the Editor:
Voting in an election is a privilege and a responsibility. Voting for Sen. Jane Kitchel (D-Caledonia-Orange) is also an honor! Sen. Kitchel's track record in the Vermont Senate and in her professional career clearly show that she is a person we must return to the Vermont Senate. From her role as secretary of the Agency for Health and Human Services to her appointment during her first term to vice chairwoman of the most powerful Senate committee, the Appropriations Committee, Kitchel has shown time and time again to be the champion of the people of Vermont.

As a Vermont dairy farmer, I have found Sen. Kitchel to be easily accessible, well respected among all her colleagues and most capable of cutting through bureaucratic red-tape to reach a solution to a problem. Each time I have contacted Kitchel she has responded immediately, followed through on each and every detail of a request for assistance and kept me in the loop of all correspondence on a particular matter of concern. From my concerns as a farmer, to environmental questions and Act 250 to requests for information on elder care options Kitchel has proven to me that we need her expertise, energy and enthusiasm in Vermont's Senate!

Alice H. Allen
Wells River